The Journey...
As a primary school teacher with over 20 years experience in the classroom, Karina identified a dramatic change in the challenges that some students were experiencing. This began a quest to look for other ways to support students with their learning.
Inspired by a background of many years working with horses and a personal understanding of the therapeutic effect they could offer, Karina began to research models of Equine Facilitated Learning and ways to work with horses to foster learning and personal development.
After researching various Equine Facilitated Learning models, training, accreditation and networking with like-minded practitioners, Karina has developed programs designed to cater for people of all ages who may benefit from additional support to access learning and social/emotional growth.
Developed alongside life-long experiences with horses and over 20 years as an educator, Inspire Connections' Equine Facilitated Learning programs have taken shape.
Program Facilitator
Experiential Learning
The unique Equine Facilitated Learning program “Connect” offered by Inspire Connections facilitator uses an individualised delivery approach. The facilitation is by a qualified practitioner with many years experience in the field of education.
Program “Connect” offers a planned experiential learning approach which integrates horse-human interaction and is informed by the goals of individuals.
Students are supported to progress through scaffolded activities with horses on the ground (not riding) that focus on direct links to goals for wellbeing.
Students are encouraged to identify progress, achievements and further goals through a post session reflection.
All activities are ground based and do not involve riding - prior experience with horses is not necessary.
Facilitated by Karina Harback, Teacher: Bachelor of Education, Equine Facilitated Learning Practitioner